
Bowesmont Lives

Clarice’s birthday On Tuesday, Saralee Hoselton took the PCMT van to Grafton where she visited Linda Hoselton at her Sunset Leisure Estates apartment and then had lunch at Shenanigans. The next day, Lynette Restemayer came to visit Saralee Hoselton and had supper at her Tisdale Manor Apartment.

My Two Cents | Spring cleanup score by Mike Alan Steinfeldt

Each spring, many small communities in rural America hold what they call a “Spring Cleanup week” or “Spring Cleanup Day.” I’m not exactly sure what spurred this phenomenon, but I suspect it was someone’s attempt to promote cleaner communities by having people toss some of that clutter from their yards to make things look a little more respectable. It is an incentive also, because most towns offer that service for free for most items that are set out.

letter to the editor

The only candidate to fix our Property Taxes If you find yourself at the local coffee club, a ball game, or at church, I guarantee the subject of increasing property taxes has been brought up in conversation. Our property taxes continue to climb and inflation continues to rise.

Bowesmont Lives

Saralee Hoselton, Merv and Phyllis Holter were among those who attended the retirement party lunch Monday for Stacie Metelmann, the “footcare lady” at the Sugar Bowl Senior Citizen’s Center. They also were able to meet Denice Hanson, her replacement.

My Two Cents | Talkin’ Turkey – part 2 by Mike Alan Steinfeldt

In my column in the March 21, issue of Valley News and Views, I was waxing poetic about an upcoming spring turkey hunting adventure. I had never been turkey hunting before and in a way I guess you could say it was on my “bucket list,” but since my first ever hunt on April 24, I hope to have many more turkey hunts before I head up to the happy hunting grounds in the sky.

Letter from the Publisher

May is here! The tulips have sprouted in my front flower bed and in many of the yards around mine. The graduation announcements have started rolling in and I just opened one this morning and for the first time I caught myself thinking “Already? I remember when she was born.” I guess I’ve entered that phase of life.

Bowesmont Lives

Gayle McConnell has returned from her Mesa winter home to her home in rural Drayton. On April 15, Saralee Hoselton celebrated her 84th birthday with lunch at Hastings Landing.