
Letter from the Publisher

May is here! The tulips have sprouted in my front flower bed and in many of the yards around mine. The graduation announcements have started rolling in and I just opened one this morning and for the first time I caught myself thinking “Already? I remember when she was born.” I guess I’ve entered that phase of life.

Bowesmont Lives

Gayle McConnell has returned from her Mesa winter home to her home in rural Drayton. On April 15, Saralee Hoselton celebrated her 84th birthday with lunch at Hastings Landing.

Musings | Earth Day awareness by Lyle Van Camp

I have memories of the very first time we celebrated Earth Day at Drayton Public School. I do not remember for sure what year it was but I do know that it was my freshman, junior, or senior year as we decorated Mr. Watson’s classroom as part of our effort and those were the three years that I took his class.

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor: Earth Day is a day to celebrate achievements made to better the environment and sustain the goal of leaving the Earth better than it was, for the next generation. Today’s farmers and ranchers are true conservationists.

Letter from the Publisher

I teach Sunday school for fourth grade students at my church. I do one week on and then one week off with another teacher.

Musings | Just cruising by Lyle Van Camp

Just cruising… The opening line of this column is literally the truth, amongst other things, one of our focuses this coming summer will be cruising. Since shortly after I got my first car in 1973 I have loved to cruise. Before my parents forced me to get my drivers license at the age of seventeen, again in 1973, I wanted nothing to do with cars. I found them interesting enough but I figured as long as I had my bicycle and the school buses were running I did not need a car, or license, of my own.

Bowesmont Lives

On Thursday, Saralee Hoselton had lunch at Hastings Landing with Lynette Restemayer of Cavalier and John Restemayer of Grand Forks. Lynette spent the afternoon visiting Saralee at her Tisdale Manor apartment.